
the professional learning facilitator

General Outline

Taking from the NLP perspective that every behaviour can be modelled (if someone has done it, someone else can always learn how to do it), Mohd Rizal Hassan intends to share his skills and experiences as an International NLP Master Learning Facilitator with teachers, lecturers, budding trainers, writers and anyone else who may be interested in the field of knowledge sharing and learning. He does exactly this through The Professional Learning Facilitator.

This is a program which upgrades a ‘trainer’ to a Professional Learning Facilitator. In the competitive world of training and facilitation, anybody with the confidence to stand in front a crowd of people and talk wants to be called a ‘trainer’. A Professional Learning Facilitator elevates the mere concept of ‘training’ to the Art and Science of facilitating learning. And this particular program will use the Take Charge! Learning Facilitation Method® to achieve this goal.

The Professional Learning Facilitator program invites the participants to explore and use the many tools used by Rizal in his many high-impact programs. He is known to fill his programs with tools and techniques, rather than theories and talk (lecture). Focus is given to “How to” rather than just “Why”. He believes than there will always be many ways to address a subject and he is merely adding another point of view to one’s rich repertoire with regards to the subject of sharing and learning.

Ideally, this is a 2-day workshop plus 1 day certification audit. Emphasis of time is given on practice and simulations so that the tools and techniques shared are practical and workable for the participants.

This holistic development program for Learning Facilitators will cover 3 major areas:

Areas covered
The Presenter
This module will focus on preparing the participant’s Mind, Body and Spirit, to be the Facilitator he/she wants to be.
The Presentation
This part will focus on the Art & Science of anchoring Learning in the program module, its presentation and summarizing its effectiveness from constant evaluation.
The PLF Certification Audit
The participants undergo a 10-minute audit to demonstrate their mastery of the PLF system.

Program Description

The Presenter

Preparing The MIND
Participants will internalize the concept of LEARN in their minds and learn to develop the Mind of the Facilitator they want to be.
Preparing The BODY
Participants will learn to be aware of their Body and how to control their physiologies to control the meaning of the messages they put across to their audience.
Preparing The SPIRIT
Participants will learn to keep their Spirit in check and to Inspire With Passion.

The Presentation

Creating The Module
Participants will learn to develop learning modules, from forming clear-cut learning objectives to developing practical workbooks. This section will cover:
• Clear Objectives, Please!
• Developing a Learning Plan
• Making It Relevant (Opposites Do Not Attract)
• Testing It Out
Presenting The Module (The Learning Event)
This section will cover the following topics:
• My Stage, My World
• Learning Event Checklist
• Visual Magic
• The Art of Debriefing
• Psychology of Music
• Game Development
• Power of Props (Utilization of Toys & Other Equipment)
• Crowd Management (Managing The Seven Dwarfs)
Evaluating The Module
Participants will learn to evaluate the Learning Event in segments of seconds, minutes and hours during the Learning Event, and days after the event to benefit Learning Facilitator and the Client.

The Certification Audit

The Coaching
Participants are coached on their presentation flow and how they present their material.
The Audit
Participants are audited for a max of 10 minutes. The focus of the audit is to observe the participants demonstrating mastery in the PLF system.
The Feedback
Participants will be given a minute-to-minute feedback on his/her presentation.
The Certification
Based on the feedback given, the auditor will decide if the participant has achieved Mastery. If yes, the participant will be presented with the Certificate of PLF Mastery.

Program Objectives

Program Methodology

This program will utilise as many methods of facilitation as possible:

A Comprehensive Definition of A Professional Learning Facilitator

The Professional Learning Facilitator (PLF) was born as an idea, a concept which highlighted and strongly upheld the importance of Learning and the proper dissemination of Knowledge. The word ‘FACILITATOR’ denotes a person who Facilitates, ‘someone who makes progress easier’ (Source: This is a totally different concept and application to that of a ‘trainer’. A teacher and an educator may be in the same field yet they function very differently and any teacher will vouch for that fact. A policeman and a soldier may both be seen as defenders of the country yet how they both go about to doing it will totally be different. Similarly, a Facilitator functions very differently from a ‘trainer’.

The word ‘LEARNING’ denotes the process of Knowledge Acquisition from the side of the students/participants AND from the side of the Facilitator. It highlights the importance of understanding how the students’ LEARN as compared to the old-school concepts of ‘teaching methodologies’ and ‘training methods’. When Learning is given emphasis, then THINKING is the absolutely beautiful result of it. The word also gives equal emphasis that the Facilitator is consciously and continuously LEARNING. This significant 2-way process of Learning amplifies the very core value of a Learning Facilitator, which is to totally concentrate every bit of sincere effort to ensure Learning takes place AND AT THE SAME TIME reminds the PLF to be humble as he/she is also in his/her Journey of Discovery, Learning and Continuous Improvement.

The word ‘PROFESSIONAL’ addresses the conduct and behaviour of the PLF, that the PLF will at all times adhere to all things Halal and Legal in everything they do and how they do it. The word also denotes that the PLF is aware of what they do and how their actions can implicitly or explicitly affect their environment at any time.

(Written by Mohd Rizal Hassan on 6 April 2013)

The PLF Certification Audit (PLF at level of MASTERY) (Optional)

After completing the 2-day The Professional Learning Facilitator program, which is based on the Take Charge! Learning Facilitator System, participants are given the option to achieve Mastery in the system.

To achieve Mastery, the participant must be seen to demonstrate Mastery in the Take Charge! Learning Facilitator System®. The participant must be subjected to an audit which will cover 2 main areas:

• The Presenter
• The Presentation

This audit may be in the form of a discussion, presentation or the auditor may be invited to sit in the participant’s program at a later date. Only when the participant is seen to demonstrate Mastery in BOTH of the 2 areas above will the participant be certified as a Master Practitioner of The Take Charge! Learning Facilitator System®.


Should the participants opt to defer their audit to another day, the 3rd Day can be utilised as a full day coaching session. In this session, participants may present any topic they want and feedback to improve will be given to them respectively.

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